Essay Writing

professional Essay writing, writing essay, for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Top 30 Essay by Zahid Ashraf For CSS, PMS and all other relevant exams, essay writing tips for css, essay for css exams, essay examples, essay writing examples.

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Below is the list of some of the professional essay and Credits to below essay goes to:

Top 30 Essay by Zahid Ashraf

Essay For CSS, PMS, FPSC and all other relevant exams

Essay on CPEC, China Pakistan Economic Corridor

Professional Essay on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination, cpec benefits to pakistan, and cpec benefits to china. Expected Essay China Pakistan Energy Corridor Features of CPEC Outline Introduction Development of Gwadar Previous project: Silk Road Projects Fruits for Pakistan The Concept of

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Essay on Corruption

Professional Essay on Corruption, accountability, and measures to overcome the problem of corruption , for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Related Essay: Corruption and accountability Give measures to overcome the problem of corruption Outline Definition of corruption Essential components of corruption Causes • Lack of accountability • Absence

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Essay on Good Governance

Professional Essay on Good Governance, Why did Governance fail in Pakistan, What are the various pre-requisite of Good Governance, Give some practical measures to implement Good Governance in Pakistan Expected Essay Define Good Governance. Why did Governance fail in Pakistan? What are the various pre-requisite of Good Governance? Give some

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Essay on Provincial Autonomy or Creation of More Provinces

Essay on Provincial Autonomy or Creation of More Provinces, creation of new provinces in pakistan css, essay share in NFC Outline Introduction Global Scenario • More provinces • Easy to run administration Demand of more provinces by • South Punjab • Sindh • KPK • Baluchistan Positive side of more

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Essay on Energy Crisis Pakistan

Essay on Energy Crisis in Pakistan, Energy is considered as a main contributor in the development of any country but in Pakistan, energy crisis is worsening day by day. Discuss in detail, What are the causes and effects of Energy Crisis in Pakistan?, essay on energy crisis in pakistan css

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Essay on Population Explosion in Pakistan

Essay on Population Explosion in Pakistan, What are the problems of Overpopulation in Pakistan?, the causes, effects and suggestions of Overpopulation. Expected Question: • What are the problems of Overpopulation in Pakistan? • What are the causes, effects and suggestions of Overpopulation? Outline Definition Population in the world Conditions in

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Essay on Global Warming

Essay on Global Warming / Climate Change, Global Warming, Fact or Fiction, Causes of Global Warming, Future of Global Warming, Global Warming and its Effects on Pakistan. Expected Question: • Global Warming, Fact or Fiction? • Causes of Global Warming? • Future of Global Warming? • Global Warming and its

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Essay on Education

Professional Essay on Education, for FPSC, CSS, Competitive exams. Aims and objectives of education, problems in education. best essay on education in pakistan. Outline Introduction View of Quaid-e-Azam Aims and objectives of education Problems • Lack of education budget • Different syllabi • Different medium of instruction  • Feudalism  •

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Essay on Poverty, Causes, Effects & Suggestions

Professional Essay on Poverty, Causes, Effects & Suggestions, Poverty Alleviation and How can poverty be eradicated in Pakistan poverty essay in english, essay on poverty in pakistan for css? Expected Questions: Poverty Alleviation How can poverty be eradicated in Pakistan? Outline What is poverty? Poverty in Pakistan Causes of Poverty

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Role of Media

Essay on Role of Media in Pakistan, Media the King Maker. Media in Pakistan has created a state within a state, what is Yellow Journalism? Expected Questions: • Without system of check and balance, media can be disastrous for a country. • In Pakistan, Media has created a state within

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Essay on Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy in pakistan essay with outline. practical measures for strengthening democracy in Pakistan. democracy in pakistan essay for css. Expected Questions: • Why has democracy failed in Pakistan?  • What practical measure do you suggest for strengthening of democracy in Pakistan? Outline What is democracy? Essentials of democracy Democracy in

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War on Terror Essay

Expected Question: • Define terrorism and its various definitions and what are its various types? • Write an essay on War on Terror and how was it started? • Discuss in detail the social, economic and psychological impacts of War on Terror on our society. Outline Introduction Meaning and definition

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Essay on Socio Economic Problems of Pakistan

Essay on Socio Economic Problems of Pakistan, In the start there were the problems of lack of funds, rehabilitation of refugees, poor infrastructure and widespread poverty. Outline Introduction • A problem-free society; desire of every individual • Defining social and economic problems • Why they are menace? Social Problems •

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Essay on Islam – The Religion of Peace

Professional Essay on Islam – The Religion of Peace, for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination, teachings of lslam, essay on islam the best religion. Outline Introduction Biasness of the west Propaganda of the west using print and electronic media Islam prohibits violence and aggression Islam, a religion of

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Essay on Reforming the UNO

Professional essay on un reform, un reform essay, for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Related Essay: Establishment of the UNO Purposes and principles of UNO Outline Establishment of the UNO Main Purposes Aims of the UNO Charter of the UNO Preamble Purposes and principles Important Articles (I to

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Essay on Balocistan, Problems and Suggestions

Professional Essay writing on Balocistan, Problems and Suggestions, and measures to overcome the problems , for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Related Essay: Outline • Provincial Autonomy & Ethnic Culture • Resource Exploitation • Deprivation and Lack of Development lag • Government’s Neglect • Role of Sardars •

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Essay on Foreign Policy of Pakistan

Professional Essay on Foreign Policy of Pakistan, for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Outline 1947-53: Establishing relations with the world • Foundations of the Foreign Policy • Relations with India • Relations with Afghanistan • Security imperatives • Relations with USA and U.S.S.R. • Relations with Muslim Countries

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Essay on Challenges Faced By Pakistan in 21st Century

Professional Essay on Challenges Faced By Pakistan in 21st Century , for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Outline • Delayed of framing First Constitution • Feudalism • Lower rate of economic growth        • Rising unemployment • Declining flow of worker’s remittances • Lack of planning • Denial

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Essay on Problems Of The Muslim Ummah

Professional Essay on Problems Of The Muslim Ummah, for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Outline Introduction Problems • Tarnishing of Muslim image • Link with terrorism • Lack of unity • Utilization of resources • High illiteracy rates • Weak democracies • Muslim youth vulnerable to extremist ideas

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Essay on Pakistan the Land of Pure People

Professional Essay on Pakistan the Land of Pure People, pakistan the land of pure people essay for CSS, FPSC, and any other essay for competitive examination. Outline Land People Economy Government History  British Control and the Muslim League  Partition and Conflict The Ayub Khan Regime  Bangladesh and Bhutto  Recent History

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Essay on The New Great Game

Professional Essay on The New Great Game, for CSS, FPSC, and any other competitive examination. Outline Introduction Historical Background of the Great Game  The New Great Game in Central Asia Previous engagement of the USSR  Huge oil reserves in central Asia  Rivalry over Caspian Sea US plans to get these

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Essay on Palestine

Essay on Palestine – the holy land The Balfour Declaration Deal between Britain and France Role of the UNO Partition of Palestine Policy and the role of the US Establishment of Israel Violent treatment with the Palestinians Suez Canal Crisis 1956 1967 war UN Security Resolution Camp David Accords 1978 OUTLINE Palestine – the

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Revolutions of the World

Revolutions of the World Essay will explain details about revolutions that changed the world like American Revolution, French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Iranian Revolution, Chinese Revolution, Young Turk Revolution, and Cuban Revolution. This essay is very good for all types of competitive examination like Fpsc, css, Pms and more. Outline •

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Enlightened Moderation

Outline Enlightened moderation, a view championed by former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf since the 1990s, advocates for a two-pronged strategy of promoting economic development and modernization while embracing religious tolerance and social harmony. This approach aims to create a more open and inclusive Muslim world, fostering interfaith harmony and global

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